martes, 8 de noviembre de 2016

                                                      Cerro de Pasco
“Cerro de Pasco” is the most interesting city in the world the people is good this city is polluted by people will better but also  have places very beautiful for example Huayllay and others places.

Huayllay is the most beutiful city in Perú because have 
landscapes and  a Bosque de piedras” it is very interesting  
because the stones are shaped like animals,so the people 
visit Huayllay.
But there are other interesting places like“Titicaca” it is very 
beautiful place because have a river very big and boats but ,
Huayllay is not as beautiful  as Titicaca.

Cerro de Pasco also has delicious meals how Picante de cuy,     
Pachamanca,and other foods but  the “picante de cuy” is 
more delicious than the “Pachamanca".

The weather in Pasco  is  not  as cold as Puno. Although, Pasco is not  as big as
 Puno other difference is, Puno is not as polluted as Pasco.
-Pasco is polluted by industries affecting the population.
-The water is contaminated.

Pasco and Huánuco is dance competition is next month all the people  think Pasco 
we will win and Huánuco will lose.

sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2016

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